Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Unexpected Joy, Indeed.

Today I'm sharing something awesome that I didn't write. 

My friend Tami writes a blog called unexpected JOY which, on paper, is about her experiences as the mother of a child with Down Syndrome, but, really, is a inspiration to anyone who has faced a challenge, that is, everyone.

I hate to over-editorialize, but I want to add a personal note here, because the fact that you even get to read this is kind of miraculous.

Tami and I grew up together. She's always been a great girl and a more faithful friend than I ever deserved, but not the kind of girl who you'd expect to put her writing on display. In fact, Tami hated English in school, not because she didn't like reading or writing, but because she has dyslexia. When we were younger, I knew very little about the disorder, only that it was a constant embarrassment for her, so I just tried not to bring it up.

I tell you this so you can fully appreciate the price she paid by choosing to publish her writing. Every time I read her blog, I think about the girl who grew up thinking she was stupid, a slow-reader and a bad speller, and I thank God for her courage because Tami is a beautiful writer.

I don't mean she can write well, I mean she has the ability to make art with words. Not the kind of high-brow art that you only pretend to understand; its honest, down to earth, and very, very true. You can't help but be touched by it, as if she weaves a soft thread through her stories and hooks it gently around your heart. She makes me cry at least once a week.

Down Syndrome and Dyslexia

People don't know I have dyslexia unless I tell them, now you know. It's not ha ha, I didn't read something right or mixed something up or said something wrong, joking dyslexia. It affects my day to day life, a huge struggle, some days I wake up and literally can't read, extremely uncomfortable to talk about, dyslexia. I have been thinking about writing this post for three years because I believe this experience shapes the way I relate and react to situations with Claire and have only now got up the courage so here goes... 
Encouraging Claire to do her homework gives me flash backs. Seeing that look of struggle and torture in her eyes I want to say, I know how you feel Claire, honey, I really do. 
Read more.

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