Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Compassion: Letter Writing

I must confess that I do not write to Fabiola as much as I ought. I am such an advocate of the importance of prayer and letter writing far above financial sponsorship, that this hurts me deeply. One of the primary reasons that I love Compassion International so much and why I champion their cause is that they advocate relationships. Compassion's sponsorship program is designed to foster a relationship is so much deeper than child-sponsor.
Sponsors have an opportunity to be family.
Your decision to sponsor a child itself carries several implications to that child. First it means that you, a stranger, want them to live a fuller life. Secondly it means that you chose them, whatever your method, out of thousands of other children; means they are special to you and you think they deserve to live.
Many sponored children live in a culture that does not value them, it views them as stupid or a burden. By choosing to sponsor that child, you dispell these lies and it will, quite literally, change the course of their life.

This is tremendous on its own but, as the child grows and continues to live in a world that tells them that they don't matter, that truth slips away. Compassion's local staff members are an amazing blessing to your sponsored child, but, like a teacher, they love them all equally. You, their sponsor, chose them individually.
They need to hear that their sponsor still cares about them.
Here is a great post from a blogger I deeply admire that contains some Letter Writing Tips if you feel like you do not know what to say. If you sponsor a child, write them today. That is not simply a catch phrase, stop what you're doing and write them today. You can even do it online at Also, if you do not sponsor a child and are interested in taking part in this remarkable program, visit Compassion for more information.

That said, I'm now going to sign off so I can actually do it.

--Sarah Elizabeth

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